Rattan traveling suitcase in one of the last that my parent still kept in their store. This was bought somewhere in the 60s. Was meant for my late brother whom passed away when he was fifteen years due to heart disfunction which I don’t’ really what it was.
My parent kept it until today. As usual the whole family get to use it. so, After my late brother it was me & my younger sister turn then.
It’s a nice rattan suitcase. Carefully woven. Nice craft work I must admit it is.
My father bought it from one the unfortunately senior who lives at ‘HOME’. A welfare home that provides shelter to the unfortunates who were deserted by their children or an orphan who didn't have any families.

The size of the rattan suitcase is 1.5 x 1. Big enough to put our nappies & some clothing's.
I’m surprised as it still in good condition after 46 years.

I’m proud for being able to keep it as part of my life history. I must restore it for my future generation to inherit it. The suitcase reminds me of the olden days when those unfortunate unwanted parents trying to survive from poverty. Sigh...still remember that 'HOME'...It's still there hopefully. My last visit to 'HOME' was in 1996...

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