Phew..at last I manage to update my page once again. It has been a while since I last update due to unforeseen circumstances.(Limited access to Internet)
Recently as usual during my trip to east coast of West Malaysia, I drop a shop which sell second hand furniture's. It's located in Kuantan town.Took my own sweet time lingering around that 3 storey shop looking any item that might be affordable for me to own 1.
I asked the shop owner what does he have in hand for I'm looking for something old. He then took me to the second floor of his shop. There I get to see many beds lying around and gosh..there so many of them.
Few of things in there attracted me to investigate further. I noticed 3 baby cot... 3 wooden baby cot and it's very nice. at a standing height of 4 feet. But what can I do with it??
Carefully browsing through the whole place I the noticed a big dark colour head board with a shell shape carving on it. Obviously my sixth sense drive me to touch it. and yes.. very smooth & hard wood. Looks like Rosewood but since I'm not a professional in woods I then asked the owner what wood is it for the bed.
Only then he told that it's Rosewood.I then immediately asked for the price of the bed.It took him quite to answer me. He then quoted RM800.00
RM800.00 for a bed??? wow that's sky high! I then checked with my dear wife about the current price of modern bedroom set. Was told it ranges from RM800.00 to RM4000.00 for average quality type of bed. I then asked her again would you like to own a bed made of Rosewood for the price of RM800.00? without hesitation she give an immediate answer..YES!!!
She told me we can never afford to own 1 without forking out thousands of RM.Since we are both collector, we share the same passion. Antiques!!!
I the asked the owner where did he get it from and so on.
He then told me that he got the bed from a malay man in Kemaman, Trengganu.That was his grand father bed passed on to his family members for years but when it comes to him.. It's no longer in fashion... the design is out of pattern. Not relevant to current lifestyle where they prefer modern furniture's. The bed was bought in the 50's.
That's all I get to know about the bed itself. Without hesitation.I bargain the price to RM600.00. This time around a fail to persuade the owner not like before I often manage to bargain up to 50% discount.This time I FAIL!!! I guess he knows the value of the bed hence, I'm at the losing end. AT last he gives me RM50.00 discount & I finally bought it at RM750.00.
It cost me additional RM400 just for the transport from Kuantan to KL.
It is now resting in my make shift workshop waiting to pampered, cleaned & to be given a whole new world. It's now only 10% done. Long way to go. I haven't' even complete sanding the whole bed yet but, I get to see the beautiful Rosewood grains now. What a beauty!!!